Archive for January, 2013

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 When I moved to New York I began attending the Church at the Movies (  also called Grace Ministries) .

While in church yesterday doing my usual prayers before service  listening to the praise and worship team warm up, I thought ” I do the same thing all the time when I come here I wonder if it makes a difference?”.

When Pastor Roger Blackmore came out after the praise and worship leaders were finished he started again on his”Second Chance Salvation” sermon.

This week it was about Job. Now I heard and read about Job umpteen times but I took notes anyway. Pastor Roger asked the congregation a rhetorical question.

Where are You in God’s Love?  

Pastor Roger went on to discuss the deal the devil made with God, Jobs loss of ALL his children in one day, his boils and sores, his friends, his wife and Jobs lament. Yep, heard it all before, so what was different today?

 Job was a man that praised and worshiped God for everything he had and  lost, what Job missed was his relationship with God. Job longed for his past life, when he had good life and his children were still alive (Job 29:2). He longed for his lost youth (Job 29:4-Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God’s intimate friendship blessed my house). But most of all he looked back and noticed he wasn’t as spiritual and faithful as he should have been (Job 29:2-Oh that I were as in months gone by, As in the days when God watched over me; NASB ).

He missed God’s care (Psalm 121:7  -The LORD will keep you from all harm–he will watch over your life; NLT) He missed his relationship with God more than he missed all his wealth, loss of health and children. He must have had an awesome relationship.

I sat there thinking ” I pray, praise and worship quite often. Just how often did Job?  Just where am I in God’s love? I want that kind of relationship with God.

I think I can have it if  I ASK.

 In Job 42:12 God blessed the latter portion of his life. God DOUBLED it. I want that! I want to walk around in Joy and gladness.I need to remind myself that God’s going to work everything out for me.

I need to TELL GOD I really need Him and allow Him to come to me where I am.

God’s a perfect gentleman. He’s not going to force Himself on you or me He will wait to see if you or I sincerely want Him.

 If you really want Him, just ask Him and then wait. Because everything’s in Gods time, not mine or yours.

Thank you Pastor Roger for a great sermon.

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Lately while doing my daily reading of the Word, listening to TV pastors, and also my inner spirit I have been hearing a repetition of encouragements and affirmations.I have been hearing messages of prosperity, wealth, health, restoration and renewal. some examples: Esther 8:2, Genesis 41:41-43,  Dan 2:48, Eccel 2:26, Jeremiah 29:11 (my favorite), Ezekiel 16:53. There are so many Scriptures to back up the blessings offered. I want to be restored, renewed, enjoy increase in my life. I refuse negativity, I embrace the good.

 I  live in a world where being accepted by others is what I once thought  I wanted to be. I thought being and doing what my friends did   was normal. I thought everyone around me was normal. I thought I was not normal so I tried to be “normal” like them . I was in bondage to many things. That’s the right word too, BONDAGE. Thinking I was a free independent person when I was not. Being a slave to money, accepting unacceptable behavior, being a workaholic so that I could attain a certain status or station in my life, being prideful and trying to get by like everyone else was. Doing things I never ever thought I would do. Little by little I was degrading myself, being cut off from what was good and clean and wholesome. I was a wreck, losing my self esteem and self respect. Chipped away little by little. Heavy shoulders, big burdens, ignorant of many things. For all my accomplishments I also kept getting knocked back on my rear. Over and over not knowing why.

I kept thinking God, I’m a good person, why God? Why is this happening? What is it that I’m doing wrong? One thing I did learn through all my trials and tribulations is that God does hear me. I just needed to recognize the answer when it  is presented to me.I had to have my eyes,ears and heart wide open. I had to RECEIVE the answer. It’s like an ah-ha moment. Okay I get it now. It’s not about me. It’s about Him. He’s my father, my Abba, my daddy. Like no father I ever had before. With Him I can do so much more than without Him. 

Thank God that I have been found and saved. Saved from myself, from sin, from Satan. I was a very lost sheep. Faking my way, hoping the next big catastrophic event would not spiral down to the pits of despair, desperation, helplessness and homelessness. I had incredible stress in my life.

It took awhile but  I am so thankful for who, what and where I am in my life. I have had many changes and losses but the  next changes, the good ones, the positive ones, I look forward to.  I have good Christian support systems. I try on a regular basis to do what I’m supposed to do in my  Christian life. Some days are more difficult than others. It’s not easy trying to live as Jesus wants me to live. But through Him all things are possible.

I believe in the messages, the affirmations of wealth, health, prosperity, and restoration. They don’t necessarily mean that I’ll be monetarily rich. I believe they mean that I’ll be a lot better off than I was before, when I was lost.

Blessings, Mary


Living Beyond Limits Newsletter



Over the past month, I have been attempting to contact free-standing hyperbaric facilities about the release of my book, Fighting the Dragon: How I Beat Multiple Sclerosis. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was the first treatment that started the reversal of many of my multiple sclerosis symptoms and actually stopped what had become steady and persistent deterioration.

In mid-October this year, I took the book to the Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading. Most unknown authors’ meet and greet a lot of festival attendees. Many of these people attend to hear well-known authors speak, but buy few, if any, books from the “unknowns.” However, the theory goes, authors’ “face time” with the “potential audience” may produce future sales, especially if the writers hand out bookmarks or other promotional material with information on how to order their books.

My experience? I sold TWELVE copies of “Fighting the Dragon” at the Festival, mostly to people who had a family member, friend, or co-worker suffering the disease. “I’m giving this to my aunt for Christmas,” one woman told me. Another told me his copy was going to a cousin who lives in Germany. “A Christmas gift,” he said. I left the festival tired, but thrilled. The story was “getting out,” even as far away as Germany.

Ten days later, on Halloween (October 31), I dropped candy and 2 “bookmarks”—a 3”X4” Fighting the Dragon trading card and a bookmark advertising my children’s book, The Whose-its and Whats-its into the bags of the trick-or-treaters. Result? A few online (CreateSpace and Amazon) sales within the next couple of days.

On November 7, I set up a display of my books and gave a Creativity presentation to a writing group. The next day, I had another little “pop” in online sales—whether from Halloween or the speech, I’m not certain.  

In that same week after the festival, the doctor who treated me with hyperbaric oxygen called. “I just had a patient walk in here with your book,” he told me. “She’s excited about starting hyperbaric oxygen and low dose naltrexone. What can you tell me about LDN?”

I apologized that I had not yet gotten a copy of the book to him—his facility is a good hour away and I was hoping to set up some time to sit down and talk with him. However, I did explain the dosing to him and then referred him to Skip Lenz at Skip’s Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy that specializes in LDN. Skip was invaluable when I was working on the book, and probably the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to LDN.

I had tried to tell the hyperbaric doctor about LDN almost a year previously . . . but with the book . . . and Skip’s guidance, I think we may have gained a convert. I hope so.

About a week after I sent Skip a copy of the book, I tried to contact him to make sure he got it. He wasn’t available. Then, one afternoon last week, he called me. “I wanted to make sure you got my book,” I said.

“I did,” he said. “Guess where it is.”

“I haven’t the vaguest,” I said.

He then proceeded to tell me that he had gone to an International Leadership Conference in Moloba, Equatorial Guinea (West Africa). “I took your book to read on the plane,” he said. “When I got there, I talked with the Minister of Health and he wanted to see what I was reading.”

The end result? The Minister of Health absconded with the book and refused to give it back. “Expect something big,” Skip told me, “bigger than you can imagine, in six to eight months.” He gave me no further hints. Amazing to think that a self-published book which has been out for a month is now halfway around the world.

A few days later, I got a call from a woman in Canada who had heard of the book, but found she couldn’t order it I redirected her to the CreateSpace, and she called me a few minutes later to tell me she had successfully ordered the book. Createspace verified that the book would not be available on Canadian Amazon, but that anyone, anywhere in the world, could get it on Now I know.

So, in between résumés, writer’s coaching, and editing, I am now planning the second Dragon book, where I will talk about how the therapies discussed in the first can be applied to other autoimmune conditions, cancer, and AIDS.

Today, I recontacted the hyperbaric facilities and talked with a man who told me to send the book to Michelle Obama and to contact local radio stations, and the major talk shows (Oprah and Dr. Phil). I’m having an interesting time wrapping my head around that one.

Curious how a thirty year path to what seemed total loss only four years ago could turn around and lead to something that appears to be doing so much good. I have been truly blessed.

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Copyright © 2012  All rights reserved 

Sandra Kischuk, Writer, Editor, and Success Coach

The writing on this page may be freely forwarded in its entirety and must include this copyright notice.    

The use of the material for any other purpose, in part or in whole, oral or written, or in any form reproduced, presented, or recorded, is only by express written consent of the author. 

*        *        *         *

Fighting the Dragon: How I Beat Multiple Sclerosis is available in standard print

and large print

Also on Amazon and in popular ebook formats.

See The Whose-its and Whats-itsat:

See my coaching website at:

See my writing website at:

“I change lives.”

*   *   *

Sandra teaches online writing courses at Coffee House for Writers:

– The First Edit: Finding and Fixing Your Writing Errors

– Your Personal Editor

– Grantwriting


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My life has gone through many changes. In the past few years, some very dramatic and renewing life changing events. It was when I lost everything that I actually found so much more than what I lost.

I was a hospice nurse. I loved my patients, the families, and my job. For me, I was a  career hospice nurse ,and I loved it. It brought me much satisfaction in my inner self. I learned so much about people, compassion, families, family dynamics, pain and suffering, and most of all Spirituality. I was comfortable in knowing I did my job well. I took good care of my patients. I was committed to making them as comfortable as possible.

I have learned so much from my patients and their families. I am so very grateful for the privilege of caring for them.

When I first began caring for hospice patients I prayed often. For them and their families and also for myself. I asked God to help me be a good nurse and to be what He wanted me to be.

I prayed quietly to myself at the bedside of the dying. I prayed in my car, at home, in church wherever I was. I asked for understanding. When I had questions I prayed for answers. He ALWAYS delivered the answers to me in an “ah ha ” kind of way. I saw the answers right there,  right at that moment. It was always “wow, I can see what you mean”.

Somehow I began losing sight of Him. Oh I went to church, I still prayed, I was still a good nurse but slowly I got caught up in the world. The world of taking care of myself. Of making a living, taking care of my house, truck, pets and yard, paying my credit cards and household bills, the list goes on . I coveted things, I actually  worshiped  idols. The idols of capitalism. Don’t misunderstand me. I enjoyed shopping, hunting down things. Even though it was mainly thrift  and discount stores. Owning second hand items didn’t bother me. But putting work, the house, yard and material items before God is a big no-no. God is a jealous God. Even though they were not golden calves or statues of other gods, I put them first.

I still helped people though. I enjoy helping others. Helping others is a big part of my life. I feel it’s something I’m supposed to do. Not realizing I also needed help.

 Being blindsided. I thought, “I want to be like everyone else, a good citizen, have a good credit score, my own home etc”.

I didn’t realize at the time that it was okay to be me.Where I was in life, it was alright, hard working, dedicated, aspiring, alone but not lonely, always trying to do the right thing. I kept myself busy, not afraid to take little adventures. Go places near and far by myself. I learned not to depend on others for my happiness.

As much as I wanted to be like others I was deep down glad I was not. I never realized how much I was putting on myself. Proud of my INDEPENDENCE. I can fix almost anything. I can work more, I can do this, I can do that. Being independent I thought was a good thing. Actually it alienates people. Others think you never need help with anything so they stop asking you. They get put off by your independence, thinking you can do so much more for yourself you don’t need anyone.

Actually, I find that my  independence came from loss. No help to do things, to help get stuff done, to go places with, no one had time to comfort or console, to bounce ideas off of, or to share with. I became stronger in my resolve that I didn’t need anyone, I can do it. I became more independent. A cycle round and round. All the while praying to God,asking and asking so many questions.  Looking for why me, why not, how come?

Then my life changed. I got hurt at work. Went through all the required rehabs, surgeries, rehab again, insurance and job requirements.  Ultimately due to “economic forecasters” ( my terms) I and 26 other people, mostly nurses and home health aides were laid off.  Oh my gosh what a disaster! My life passed before me at the speed of light. What about my home, my credit, my, my, my. All about me. To make a very long ( 5 year or so) story short, I lost my career, my home, my physical self and wound up with a physical disability from my injuries, and severe arthritis from long years of hard  work. But yet I still wanted to go back and continue what I was doing just as before.

I had to accept my many losses. It was hard to do. I grieved often, prayed often and hoped for answers. I dealt with my grief, yes I grieved. I went through the grief process for each of my losses. I had to change.  I did that with God’s help. He put wonderful people in my path along this very painful journey. I became a born again Christian. I saw that God was always there, I had to get ME out of the way. I prayed the confusion to be cleared and I that I would have wisdom and healing. I have been fast tracking, hungry for the Lord. I realize my thinking before was corrupted by worldly things. I understand now what principalities are. I know I am a warrior bride for Christ. I have purpose and meaning in my life. I am into the Word first thing every morning. I get up earlier to do that. I verbalize my praise and thanks all day long. What I gained is so much more empowering. Life affirming. The veil is lifted.

I am on the biggest adventure yet! I don’t have to just survive or try to be like the other fish in the fishbowl. I trust in God, He will provide for me, He directs my steps. I am not alone, my eyes and heart are open.  I am on an awesome journey. A marvelous adventure! And I just love new adventures!

Blessings, Mary