God is in the eye of the beholder.

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time on the internet. Doing research for my small business, downloading pictures I need to use for social media and my writing, and job hunting. Oh, let’s not forget checking and posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and anything else that catches my attention. Balancing my checkbook, paying bills, checking emails, promoting my new book and also just for the heck of it out of pure boredom.

It’s not that I don’t have things I can do like cleaning, gardening, washing the dog and the car and making phone calls. But let’s face it, they can wait. I might miss some interesting tidbit of information, webinar, a news bulletin, an interesting job post or who knows what. I do know whom my God is being a born again Christian but yet the world that I live in and must participate in has gone high tech and digital.

Gone are the days of walking into a business and filling out an application. Now go to the website and fill it out there. If you don’t know about tags and keywords you are at a disadvantage. Even then a computer sorts your application. The face to face interview has gone live video or send your resume via video, it depends on the company you’re applying to. Grocery and big box stores are having self checkouts which are just computers that take your money via credit/debit card. No more video stores, now go to a box outside a store to pick out movies to rent. Streaming and downloading videos are competing with regular disc rentals. Personally I don’t stream or download, I prefer to have the product in my possession, not dependent on WiFi or internet services.

People are disappearing and being replaced by high tech, cameras are so many places now. Cameras in street lights, doorbells, cars, phones, buildings, medical devices, airports, pens and I’m sure in places we haven’t noticed yet. Passwords on new computers and phones are using eye scans, thumbprints and voice recognition. Our identities are being digitized and pixelated. We don’t remember phone numbers anymore because of cell phones. Hardly anyone in the younger generation wears a watch, they use their cell phones. We compare ourselves to others and are more self absorbed thanks to the ‘selfie’. No wonder more and more people are having identity and gender crisis’.

Are you sure you know who you are? Do you know whose you are? We were created in the image of God. God never changes, He never fails. He is an unchanging constant in our lives. No passwords needed to have a relationship with Him. Jesus just wants us to believe in Him and the Resurrection. You don’t have to log in, check in or be scanned in. He is always there for you. Jesus was a real person not a machine. He died for us, to save us from the condemnation of OUR sins. He isn’t a computer no one or thing can duplicate Him.

Instead of spending so much time on the internet job hunting I’m going to turn back to Him, trust Jesus in providing all my needs all the time. Will I still use the computer? Probably. But not as much as I had been doing. Look out Google, I’ve got the one and only God at my side. No idol or idle worship here, I am blessed.

