Dear God,

Yet again I ask, why this, why me? Talk to me God, what am I supposed to be doing? Every time I feel able to go out and get a job something else happens. Thank you God it’s not cancer again. Or back surgery again. Praise God, He has healed me of serious illness and injuries. Thank you God it’s not any one of a million other life changing scenarios. It’s just my car!

My old 2002 Honda Odyssey that I have been fixing up and repairing ever since I bought it 4 1/2 years ago. At least I didn’t have a car payment on top of all the repairs. That was one of the best cars I ever owned. I loaded that minivan with so many things, from one church to another, from my home to someone elses home. It was a beater car to look at both inside and out (that’s how I bought it) but it was reliable as long as I maintained it and fixed it when it broke down.

But THIS TIME it’s different. It’s the transmission. The cost of repairs/replacement is more than the book value of the car. I am so sad right now. Because not only did I want to work but I am also trying to move back to Florida from here in New York (before next winter).

But I feel a peace about everything. I know you have a plan for my life, just like it says in Jeremiah 29:11. You ALWAYS had a plan for me. You know my heart, soul, mind and body. I guess I am right here were I need to be. I am home doing computer catch up work for myself and packing.

Yep, I’m packing at least two boxes a day. I’m optimistic that it’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to be, according to His plan. Praise God. Thanks for the hope and strength while I wait.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)

